Top Twenty

Top Twenty
Standings through April 30, 2024

Pictured above left to right Top Twenty & People's Choice Winner, "A'Mahya"
This Event offers a unique opportunity to honor the top Malamutes in the country in the same place at the same time. Unlike the usual Best of Breed judging, this event presents each Malamute to 5 judges who will evaluate the entrant using a scale of points. They are not judged against each other, but rather each against the Breed Standard. The highest and lowest score are tossed out to make all judging fair. The procedure used will offer spectators more time to study each Malamute than would be available in the normal judging procedure. If you are interested in being a future Top 20 breeder judge please fill out the breeder contract and send it to Barbara White or Devon Salvadore.
If you have questions contact, Devon Salvadore or Barbara White, co-chairs.
Top Twenty Breeder Judge Contract
More Information about this years Top Twenty event here.​​