New Membership Application
Add YOUR Voice to the Pack – Support the Alaskan Malamute.
Frequently Asked Questions About AMCA Membership
Q: How can I participate in AMCA?
A: There are many ways to get involved, so pick the one that’s right for you and sign up today!
Regular Membership – If you are over 18 years old, and know two current AMCA members in different households who will act as your sponsors, this is a good option for you. Regular members receive the most benefits for the price of joining, including the right to vote, a subscription the the Newsletter, listing in the Membership Directory, discounts on working titles and ads, and representation in the Newsletter. Regular members agree to abide by the AMCA Constitution, Bylaws, and Code of Ethics. Click the link at the top of this page to fill out the Membership Application.
Associate Membership – If you are over 18 years old, love Alaskan Malamutes, but don’t know two members who can sponsor you, sign up as a Associate member! This non-voting membership option was added in 2012 specifically to help more great people get involved with AMCA. As an Associate member, you can enjoy many of the benefits of membership while getting to know members who can sponsor you into Regular Membership later; or you can choose to remain a non-voting Associate member indefinitely. Associate members agree to abide by the AMCA Constitution, Bylaws, and Code of Ethics. Click the link at the top of this page to fill out the Membership Application.
Junior Membership – If you are not yet 18 years old, but love Alaskan Malamutes and know two members who can sponsor you, sign up as a Junior member! Junior membership has an optional newsletter subscription and most of the benefits of Regular Membership. Junior members do not have the right to vote, but when they turn 18, their membership converts to Regular Membership. Junior members agree to abide by the AMCA Constitution, Bylaws, and Code of Ethics. Click the link at the top of this page to fill out the Membership Application.
Newsletter Subscriber – If you love malamutes and want to learn more about the AMCA, this option is just what you need to get started! Receiving the Newsletter will help you meet members and learn what the AMCA does for our breed, by bringing all sorts of great malamute information to you on a regular basis. You won’t want to miss an issue of our great Newsletter, which was a finalist for the Maxwell Medallion of Excellence in 2012, a prestigious journalism award presented by the Dog Writer’s Association of America! Know other malamute lovers who are not in AMCA? Give them a six-month subscription to the Newsletter – it makes a great gift! Click here to fill out the Newsletter Subscription Form.
Q: What are the AMCA Constitution, Bylaws and Code of Ethics? Why do I have to agree to abide by them to join the AMCA?
A: As a Parent Club, AMCA accepts the responsibility of being the guardian of the breed Standard and of the breed itself, not just in the US but around the world. Our goal is that membership in the AMCA provides malamute lovers with:
A sense of belonging to and being included in the preservation of the breed.
A sense of responsibility for ethical ownership and breeding, for the future of the breed.
Education about the breed, and about the club’s opportunities, values, and priorities.
We welcome members who believe in these goals and wish to do right by our breed.